Six more suspected Covid patients were reported in the district on Thursday, Civil Surgeon Dr Kuldeep Singh said. With this, the total number of suspected patients here reached 28, of which 21 tested negative while the reports of seven are awaited. Those who put under isolation on Thursday included two 15-month-old infants, three men from Ambala City one of whom had returned from abroad, one HIV+ and another having had contact with one of the foreign returned, and another woman from Ambala Cantt, who had returned from Dubai. TNS
Kaithal 1 Booked for violating quarantine
A resident of Cheeka town in the district was booked for violating home-quarantine orders. Shashank Kumar Sawan, SP, said that on a complaint lodged by Senior Medical Officer, Guhla, Sanjeev Kumar, the police have registered a case under Section 188, 270, 271 of the IPC against Sunil Goel, a resident of HUDA-2, Cheeka. The man had returned from a foreign country and was ordered to remain in home-quarantine from March 15 to April 2. However, the accused violated the orders and was roaming outside his home.