Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur while presiding over the meeting of Officers of Information and Public Relations Department said that effective use of social media should be made for proper and prompt dissemination of news.
Chief Minister said that in the present era of communication, the role of media was vital and the PR professionals should think out of the box for effective dissemination of policies and programmes of the State Government.
He said that latest technologies must be used for publicizing the various developmental schemes. He said that success stories and developmental features should be brought out and provided to both print and electronic media.
Jai Ram Thakur said that the regular publications of the department’s Giriraj Weekly and Himprastha monthly magazine could be effective tools of publicity and helpful in providing people factual information regarding policies and programmes of the State Government. He said that more interesting and research based articles should be published in Giriraj Weekly. He said that the contents to be carried out in the Weekly should be planned in advance to make it more readable and impactful.
Chief Minister also asked the officers of the department to study other PR departments of different states so that some innovations could be brought out in the department. He said that department should act as a bridge between the government and common people for which the PR professionals should maintain better liaison not only with the media persons but also with the common people and opinion makers.
Jai Ram Thakur said that creativity was the first prerequisite of effective public relations. He said that the PR professionals should be more creative and articulate in making their stories more impactful. He said that the officers should also ensure maximum use of various social media platforms like youtube, facebook, twitters and blog etc.
Chief Minister said that apart from ensuring optimum use of modern modes of communications, traditional media should also be given preference as it was more effective particularly in the rural areas. He said that catchy and attractive hoardings should also be erected at strategic locations to publicise the policies and programmes of the State Government.
Chief Secretary Anil Khachi gave his valuable suggestions for effective publicizing the policies and programmes of the State Government.
Principal Secretary to Chief Minister J.C. Sharma assured the Chief Minister that department would work with dedication and commitment to come upto the expectations of the State Government.
Director Information and Public Relations Harbans Singh Brascon made a detailed presentation regarding various activities of the department.