Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu has allocated Rs. 13 crore for the construction of heliports at Rakkad and Palampur in Kangra district, Reckong Peo in Kinnaur district and in Chamba. He said that the Government was making earnest efforts to construct heliports at all the district headquarters in the State so that air connectivity could be provided to the tourists as well as the local people. He added that Himachal has hilly geographical terrain and construction of heliports in the State would go a long way in attracting tourists, saving their time. He said that heliports would also prove boon to provide prompt assistance to the local residents in case of any emergency.
The Chief Minister said that in addition to the Horticulture and Hydropower sectors, Tourism sector can also play a vital role in strengthening the economy of the State. He said that keeping this in view, the Government was providing priority for the tourism sector as thousands of families are associated either directly or indirectly with this sector. He said that the State Government was making all-out efforts to strengthen the tourism infrastructure to facilitate tourists.
Sukhu said that a target has been set to attract 5 crore tourists every year in the State and infrastructure was being developed keeping accordingly. The present State Government has launched various schemes benefitting the tourism sector. Winter Carnival was organized for the first time in Shimla, due to which the number of tourists in the state has increased, he added.