Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur participated in the Beas Aarti while celebrating the event Meri Beas Jeevan Ki Aas celebrated by the State Jal Shakti Department under the Nadi Utsav Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav at Mandi today.
Earlier, the Chief Minister performed Puja at Ekadash Rudra temple.
He also administered oath to keep the Beas River neat and clean.
Students of local school made a colourful cultural presentation on the occasion.
MP and State BJP President Suresh Kashyap, MLAs Rakesh Jamwal, Vinod Kumar, Jawahar Thakur, Inder Singh Gandhi, Chairman Woolfed Trilok Kapoor, OSD to CM Mahender Dharmani, General Secretary Child Welfare Council Payal Vaidya, Chairman Zila Parishad Pal Verma, Brig. Khushal Thakur, DC Arindam Chaudhary, SP Shalini Agnihotri were present on the occasion.