SHIMLA 16th April, 2022
Donating blood was the biggest service towards the suffering humanity as it gives new life to person by getting blood in time. Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur stated this while virtually addressing the webinar from Nadaun of Hamirpur district organized by Competent Foundation on the occasion of 50 simultaneous blood donation camps organized by the Foundation throughout India.
While appreciating the efforts of the Competent Foundation which was founded in October 2006 with the motto “Help Ever Hurt Never” under the Presidentship of late Balramji Dass Tandon former Governor of Chhattisgarh, the Chief Minister said that blood donation was literally life-saving which helps people. He said that it was also a sign of humanity that unites people irrespective of caste, creed, religion etc. He said that any person in age group of 17 to 66 years is eligible to donate blood.
Jai Ram Thakur said that blood donation has a lot of benefits as a person may require blood for various reasons such as illness or an accident. The blood that we donate helps a person in need and enhances their health condition and helps them overcome their critical situation. In other words, blood donation does not simply help that specific person but also contributes to a responsible gesture towards society, he added.
Chief Minister said that blood donation was also beneficial for the donors as it also enhances the health of the donor as the cell depletion allows a way for production and new cells freshen our body system. He said that during the student life he also organized blood donation camps to help the patients particularly from the rural areas. He said that the Foundation on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti was organizing blood donation camps at around 50 places all over India, which was indeed an appreciable effort. He said that the Foundation also played a vital role in helping the needy during the Corona pandemic.
Jai Ram Thakur also interacted with the organizers of various blood donation camps in different parts of Himachal, Chandigarh, Haryana, Punjab and Delhi etc.
Senior BJP leader and State BJP Incharge Avinash Rai Khanna appreciated the initiatives of the Competent Foundation for organizing blood donation camps in different parts of the country. He said that the blood donation was the biggest donation and it can save the life of the needy.
President of the Foundation, Sanjay Tondon said that the Foundation has undertaken various projects to help the underprivileged in the society by organizing weekly langars, medical and blood donation camps, giving free education, setting up of a 50 bedded Mini Covid Care Centre, distributing School Kits to 300 students of weaker sections of the society of 10th Class of government schools, spreading inspirational thoughts, stories and publishing books for charitable purpose etc. He said that the Competent Foundation organizes Blood Donation Camps twice a year, one on Hanuman Jayanti and the second on 10th September and collects at an average 150 blood units per camp. The Foundation has organized 68 blood donation camps and has collected 10548 blood units till date, he added.