The administration of Himachal Pradesh University (HPU) would take disciplinary action against any employee who refuses to mark his attendance using the biometric system during the implementation process. In addition, the aforementioned employee’s pay will be reduced in accordance with the regulations. A gradual implementation of the biometric attendance system for university staff has been decided upon. Under this, the institution will use biometric machines to record the attendance of outsourced workers in the first phase. Regular employees will then be subject to biometric attendance in the following phase.
The Himachal Pradesh University’s outsourced staff members have received instructions to complete their biometric registration. This process has begun in the computer center as well. The deadline for completing this biometric registration task is March 20. Any outsourced worker who fails to complete biometric registration by this deadline may experience issues with his pay, and his attendance may be deemed invalid. Outsourced workers’ biometric attendance will begin on March 25. The institution has made it clear in its announcement that biometric attendance is required and should be followed. The purpose of this system’s implementation is to guarantee accountability, efficiency, and transparency with relation to attendance.
According to the guidelines issued for biometric attendance, employees will have to mark attendance after reaching the office in the morning and while returning. Guidelines have been issued regarding this. Employees will be given a grace period of 10 minutes to mark attendance, but in case of continuous delay in coming to the office and returning home from the office before time, action will be taken under the policy of the state government. It will be necessary for the employee to get approval from the concerned officer for leave, and the approved leave will have to be submitted to the office of the computer center so that the attendance record can be updated in the biometric machine. In the case of going on leave without permission, it will be considered leave without pay.
Questions have been raised on forcing outsourced employees to mark biometric attendance first instead of regular employees at Himachal Pradesh University (HPU). Although outsourced employees are not able to oppose it openly, the question is being raised on not starting this system for around 1500 regular employees in the university right now and bringing outsourced employees under its ambit first. However, the university administration argues that biometric attendance will be started for around 200 outsourced employees in the first phase. After this, in the next phase, after getting the biometric registration of regular employees done, their biometric attendance will also be taken.