Solan, 1Nov
In the picturesque setting of the Jaypee University of Information Technology, the Rotaract Club of Waknaghat along with Center of Excellence on AI based Education orchestrated a groundbreaking event, Hack-a-Care: Hackathon for a Cause on 28th – 29th October, 2023. This hackathon was a remarkable celebration of innovation, collaboration, and technology’s potential to create a positive impact. Based on the core themes of Agriculture, Education, Healthcare and the environment, it embodied the spirit of unity and collective progress.
The event was inaugurated by the esteemed DRR Rtn. Rtr. Chinmay Abbhi, District 3080 and the respected faculties of the university Dr. Hari Singh Rawat, Dr. Vipul Sharma and Dr. Pankaj Dhiman.
After an intense, creative, and collaborative event, the following teams emerged victorious: Team Blue secured the top spot, Byte Builder stood in second Place and third place was taken by the team Binary Brains.