Bioengineering team secures a hattrick victory at Shoolini University’s Inter-Faculty Cricket Tournament
Solan, January 17 The Bioengineering team of Shoolini University has scored…
Shoolini Univ to host Himalayan summit on leadership development
Solan, September 19 Shoolini University is set to host the Inaugural Himalayan…
3-Day National Law Fest 2.0 concludes at Shoolini University
Solan, November 26 The Center for Clinical Legal Education (CCLE), Faculty…
Student Research Council established at Shoolini University
September 2, Solan In a move to ignite student-led innovation, Shoolini…
Informative PoSH Session organised at Shoolini Univ
Solan, July 20 An informative session on "Prevention of Sexual Harassment"…
Shoolini sparks a domino effect with the TEDx Talks
Solan, May 7 Speakers at the TEDx event organised by the…
Shoolini inks MoU with Canadian university
Solan, January 28 A delegation from Saskatchewan Polytechnic in Canada has signed…