Solan, December 12
Shoolini University, in collaboration with the YouWeCan Foundation, organised a two-day free breast cancer screening camp for women from the villages surrounding the campus. The programme witnessed the participation of over 100 women, emphasising the significance of early detection and self-care.
A dedicated team of doctors and technicians from Delhi conducted the screenings, ensuring professional and thorough evaluations. The programme was led by Dr. Tanvi, who held interactive awareness sessions for women in small groups. She highlighted the importance of self-breast examination, demonstrating the process to the attendees and answering their queries with care and patience.
Mrs. Poonam Nanda, Director of Sustainability and Community Engagement at Shoolini University, extended heartfelt gratitude to the YouWeCan Foundation for their support in making the camp a success. Speaking on the occasion, Mrs. Nanda, a cancer survivor herself, shared her journey and underscored the importance of awareness and early detection. “I understand the life-saving value of timely intervention and awareness, and I am committed to spreading this message far and wide,” she said, inspiring many with her words.
Student volunteers, who previously led the impactful Pink October awareness drive, played a pivotal role in the camp’s success. They actively reached out to local women, encouraging them to avail themselves of the free screening and support offered through this initiative.