Shimla, BJP State Media Incharge Karna Nanda said that once again Congress leaders have imposed another tax or fee on the people of Himachal on the lines of their Chief Minister, and now it has been imposed on the people of Shimla as well, when the Chief Minister used to say repeatedly that, brother, toilet tax does not exist. So today the mayor of this government has shown that it exists and the BJP was not lying. We do not want to raise such issues, but Congress leaders would have forced us to come forward as the voice of the people. We have no such intention, but overall, if you see, yesterday I was listening to what the mayor of Shimla city was saying, and the way the mayor shared this topic with all of you, he started the discussion with gender equality, but along with gender equality you are also trying to put a burden on the people, and along with that you are trying to impose a toilet fee on the local people; he mentioned 30 or 32 toilets. He said that you are causing inconvenience to the businessmen and employees working there and the people who come here.
The person who has a shop there and works for 12 hours, then this fee should be considered as a kind of tax on him. The mayor is trying to talk about a fee; gender equality could have been done in both ways; the fee you impose on women could have been reduced or even abolished. The local bodies made for the public, whether they are local bodies like the municipal corporation or Nagar Parishad or the government, your ultimate duty is to serve the people, so it would have been better if you had rolled back the fee of Rs 5 imposed on women. So this would have been welcome, but if the Mayor of Congress installs a scanner and embarrasses the tourists visiting there by imposing such a tax and collects money through G Pay, then when a tourist goes from Shimla and checks his bank statement, it will say Sulabh Shauchalay. From a glance, Shimla and Himachal Pradesh are fighting for good tourism, but you are not able to generate facilities for tourism. The number of tourists in the state is gradually decreasing, and it was the gift of nature that when it snowed, the number of tourists increased, but you will issue such arbitrary orders; it is not good.
On this, I was listening that the mayor also mentioned the High Court. We respect the honorable High Court completely, but the High Court had talked about general equality and in general quality. I had told you the way that you were taking Rs 5 from women: take it back; you will not lose anything because of it, but you felt the need to charge Rs 5 for men’s toilets. Secondly, how long will this Congress leader government, MC, and council run under the cover of the High Court? If you had ensured the sale of 18 hotels under the cover of the High Court, you would have sold those hotels; you would have encouraged corruption. But after that, you yourself had to take a U-turn, and you yourself said that no, we will give it a chance. Congress said that we have called for the balance sheets of these hotels; after that, it became such a big joke. Under the cover of the High Court, you even went to Himachal Bhawan to raid. Hey, Baba, everything is not done under the cover of the High Court. While advising the Congress, Nanda said that you should use your discretion; you have become such a supreme leader that whatever you do, you will implement it like a Tughlaqi decree. This is not student politics; rise above student politics. You are working among the people, in the public domain; work within it; it will feel good. Try taking a decision in favor of the people once; you will enjoy it.