Numerous people have started reaching the booking centers for booking special trains running from Amb Andaura of the Una district for Mahakumbh Prayagraj. The situation is that there is now waiting for reservations on some trains. This information has been received from the booking centers. Actually, 6 special trains will run from Amb Andaura of Una for Prayagraj Mahakumbh.
These special trains received for Himachal will be very beneficial for the devotees bathing in Kumbh. As soon as the booking service started at the railway booking centers, the crowd started gathering here. Long lines are being seen at all the booking centers, including Amb Andaura and Una Himachal railway stations. This booking is available only at the railway counters, while the online service has not started yet.
Tickets for Prayagraj from Amb Andaura via three-tier AC are available for about Rs 1700 and for sleepers for Rs 640. The train will depart from Amb Andaura at 10:30 pm and will reach Foh Junction, 8 km before Prayagraj, at 6 pm the next day. The first train will depart on January 17 and return on the 18th. The second train will depart on January 20, the third on January 25, the fourth on February 9, the fifth on February 15, and the sixth on February 23.
Similarly, down trains will reach Una Himachal on January 18, 21, 26, and February 10, 16, and 24. These trains will have a total of 18 coaches, including 5 sleepers, 2 SLRs, one three-tier AC, and 10 ordinary coaches. This number has been given for special express trains, whose train number is 04528. Railway officials admitted that many people are reaching the railway counters to go to the Maha Kumbh.