On 06.09.2021 a case has been registered that on 27.08.2021 complainant came to Shimla along with her husband on The Mall, Shimla they met some people who told them about the lucky coupon scheme. They were asked to scratch the lucky coupon to get some gift. In lucky coupon they got to get the 10 year package in different states in which they can visit any one state once a year. On lie of this they agreed and paid Rs. 1,40,000/- as a membership charges. However when the complainant searched about the authenticity of the firm, they came to know that they are being cheated. During the course of investigation Police has recovered all the documents and material pertaining to lucky coupon scheme including laptop, swipe machine and different type of forms. Shimla police has arrested following accused in the case:-
1) Nitesh Kumar Yadav S/o Sh. Bindeshwari Prasad Yadav R/o Village Gopideeh, P.O. Chandan, Tehsil Chandan District Baanka Bihar, age 29years.
(2) Rajnikant Pandey S/o Late Sh. Ramji Pandey R/o V.P.O. Lovadeeh P.S. Karamdeen Tehsil. Mohammadabad, District Gazipur UP, age 25 years.
(3) Arun Chaudhary S/o sh. Yashveer Chaudhary R/o H.No. 19 Alley, No. 05, A-1 block, Santnagar, Buradi, North Delhi, age 27 years.
(4) Amrish Dube S/o Sh. Bashista Dube R/o Quarter No. 11/6, six unit, P.O. Colony Bokari Thermal, PS Bokaro Thermal District Bokaro, Jharkhand age 27 years.
(5) Nishtha Kumari D/o Sh. Deepan Singh R/o Village Thuthi, P.O. Lohari, PS.Choparan, District Hazari Baag Jharkhand. Age 27 years