This is to dispel misinformation spread by certain section of social media platform/media and sections of people against the University. The Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla is absolutely committed to rules of employment including reservation policies notified by the Government of Himachal Pradesh from time to time.
The University was established in 2016, by the Act of “Himachal Pradesh National Law University Act, 2016 (Act No. 16 of 2016)”. The University is a premier institution of national character. It is a fully residential institution having about 800 students. In the last eight years of its existence, the University has not got any budget head in annual budget of the Government. The State Government, under the aegis of the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh, has provided, only, three buildings till date: Academic Block, Administrative Block and One Girls Hostel, whereas the University needs, on urgent basis, eight hostels building, One Library Block, One Auditorium of the capacity of 1000 and residential accommodations for all its employees (teaching and non-teaching). In the absence of physical infrastructure, the University is compelled to accommodate students (girls and boys) in hired private buildings along the highway in vicinity of the campus, for which the University has to incur expenditure of several crores annually.
The only source of revenue for the University is fee charged from the students.
As far as the services of daily wagers/contractual employees are concerned, they are appointed as per the needs of the University for a fixed duration. After the expiration of the duration daily wages/contractual employees may be again hired, as per the requirement, need and financial viability of the University.
In case of fixed terms contractual/daily wages employees, no question of termination arises. At the end of duration, the services of such persons automatically coms to an end.
Whenever the needs arise for hiring daily wages/contractual employees, the University is bound to follow, reservation rules, including applicable rosters for SC/ST & OBC etc. for each cadre as per law.
The misleading information being spread through social media platform, other media including press is not true, and such information are completely false and motivated.