This time, “Miss Shimla” competition was organized under the Winter Carnival in Shimla, the capital of Himachal Pradesh. In this competition, Vibha Negi of Kumarsain won the title of Miss Shimla. Gungun Pahwa of Shimla got the title of first runner up, while Neha Thakur of Chaupal was the second runner up.
20 girls from Shimla participated in the competition. After the preliminary round held on Sunday, 10 participants were selected for the final round. The finale was organized on Monday, in which the participants showcased their talent and confidence. Due to bad weather, the event was held at the Gaiety Theatre’s multipurpose hall instead of the Ridge Ground.
In the finale which started at 7 pm on Monday, the top 10 participants walked the ramp and showcased their talent. Three rounds were held during the competition. In the first round, the participants introduced themselves, while in the second round, their intelligence and confidence were tested through questions and answers. In the third and final round, the contestants showcased their presence and attractive personality through the ramp walk .
Miss Shimla 1995 Deepali Dhaul, former Miss Shimla 2005 Sherry Mehta and screenwriter Vivek Mohan played the roles of judges. The chief guest of the program, Shimla Municipal Corporation Mayor Surendra Chauhan, Deputy Mayor Uma Kaushal and Commissioner Bhupendra Attri honored the winners by crowning them. The guests and spectators present on the occasion appreciated the programme.
Let us tell you that after the rain on Monday, the cold has increased in the city, yet a large number of spectators had come to the Ridge Ground to watch the Winter Carnival. People say that Shimla’s winter carnival became even more special this time due to the Miss Shimla competition. This event gave an excellent platform to the talented girls of Shimla to showcase their art and confidence.