The 7.5 Hours Surgery brought Happy News for ASI Harjeet Singh and Punjab Police. As His Chopped Hand got reimplanted and Pulse is revived. After the stress Call from DGP Dinkar Gupta, DPGI Dr. Jagat Ram activated the emergency team and gave responsibility to Dr Ramesh Sharma, HOD Plastic Surgery.
Plastic Surgery team consisted of Consultants Dr. Sunil Gaba and Dr. Jerry R John. Senior residents: Dr. Suraj Nair; Dr.Mayank; Dr. Chandra and Dr Shubendu Anaesthesia team Consultant: Dr. Ankur Senior Resident : Dr. Abhishek and Dr. Purnima, Nursing team S/N Arvind, S/N Sneha and S/N Arsh
This is technically very complex and challenging surgery, which has been successfully done. It was evaluated at the end of surgery that hand is viable, warm with good circulation. We pray to God for his fast recovery.