The plan to install a central heating system in the main library of Himachal Pradesh University (HPU) has not been successful. There has been a demand for installing a heating system for years, but this system has not been installed yet. Due to this, every year in winter, students sitting and studying in the main library face inconvenience. Although the university administration has made arrangements for heaters in the library, due to a lack of a sufficient number of heaters, students are forced to study shivering in the cold.
Winter vacation is going on at the university these days; despite this, numerous students and researchers are sitting and studying in the library. Apart from this, they are also preparing for various competitive examinations, but when it is very cold, students and researchers are facing difficulty in sitting and studying here. Due to this, students and student organizations are constantly demanding to install a central heating system here. Mainly Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad and SFI are raising this issue before the university officials from time to time and are demanding to install a central heating system here.
The building of the main library of the university is many years old, and wood has been used, so it is difficult to install a central heating system here. This matter has been raised before the university administration many times, and many times the plan was also taken forward to implement it. Even a few years ago, the process of preparing a detailed project report (DPR) was also started. In the year 2019, this matter was also taken seriously, and the tender process was also started. After this, the process of preparing the DPR was started in the beginning of the year 2020, but this process could not move forward. According to sources, the plan to install the central heating system has not been completed due to a lack of budget.
University Vice Chancellor Prof. SP Bansal says that a committee has been formed to install the central heating system in the main library of HPU. This committee is working on it. The library building is very old; hence, it is difficult to install a central heating system here.