Rotary Royal Solan launches Mobility Aid Bank
Rotary Royal Solan today launched Mobility Aid Bank in Solan, which will provide mobility aids and medical equipment to needy patients free of cost (on a loan basis). Needy patients in Solan city will not need to buy expensive medical equipment during and after treatment. Rotary Royal Solan on Sunday inaugurated its new service project, the Rotary Medical Equipment Bank, in the presence of Rotary District 3080 Governor Rajpal Singh. All the equipment will be available free of cost from here. The equipment will be returned after use.
Speaking about the project, Rotary Royal Solan President Dr. Kamal Atwal said, “We hope that this project will help the needy people and bring a positive change in the society.”
Governor of Rotary District 3080, Rajpal Singh, said that the aim of this project is to help those who need mobility aids temporarily or permanently but are unable to buy these devices. And helping such people is the primary objective of Rotary.
On this occasion, Project Chairman Rotarian Arun Trehan thanked his Rotary colleagues, donors, and volunteers who helped make this project possible.
These pieces of equipment will be given: Project Chairman Rotarian Arun Trehan said that through the equipment bank, an oxygen machine, bed, walker, wheelchair, air bed, oxygen cylinder, bedpan, nebulizer, commode, glucometer, pulse oximeter, walking stick, blood pressure machine, bed stand, stretcher, railing set, commode chair, and other equipment will be given to the patients. All types of equipment are available in the bank.